Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Whoops! Better late then never!

What a busy week!
I've gone from being bored to non stop lol. I had my fantastic craft retreat at the weekend and I haven't stopped since I got back with work and hospital appointments. I am sure my doctor is being over cautious sending me for some sort of Nuclear test for my heart, but I spose it is better to be safe rather then sorry when it comes to the heart as it does keep us going after all.
Now with all this rush around I have had no chance to share the last picture I sketched at the craft retreat on the weekend. So here it is better late then never right???

I have been working on sketching the female body in as many poses as possible. People have been asking me why I am only sketching nudes. My theory is that I have to learn how to draw the human body and its shapes before I can tackle the task of learning how to draw clothes on the human body with all creases, folds and shadows and shading. Well, like I said that is my theory. Small steps :)
Thanks for stopping by to check out my work. I hope your all having a wonderful week!
Casssandra Bright

Monday, May 19, 2014

Sketch Share!

Happy Monday!
I hope your all having lovely weather wherever you are. It has been just gorgeous here for a week now and considering it is late Autumn we are very lucky indeed. I just love watching all the leaves fall from my deciduous trees in the front yard. It looks like a completely different world to Spring time that is for sure.
As promised yesterday, I am back to share another sketch from my craft retreat weekend away. I love this sketch! I don't usually say that much about my own work. I mean we are our own worst critics, am I right?? mmm.... we do need to be nicer to ourselves that is for sure.
I can't wait to transfer this image to a canvas and to paint it. Funny thing is I never try to sketch male figures. I must really be brave and give that a go soon. I have one more sketch I'd love to share with you all and I'll do that tomorrow. For now I hope I have managed to inspire some of you to pick up a pencil and sketch. You never know what you are capable of :)
Cassandra Bright

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Craft Retreat Art

I am lucky enough to have just gotten back from a 4 day craft retreat in Daylesford, Victoria!
The weather was gorgeous, especially for Autumn and seeing all those lovely gold leaved trees is very inspirational too. I love Autumn in Daylesford.

I thought today I would share one of the sketches I managed to get done whilst away. I think she would look great as a fairy with some gorgeous wings.

I'll share some more sketches over coming days. I got a few pieces sketched that I am quite pleased with and will paint on canvases in the near future (when time permits). I hope you enjoyed your lovely Autumn weekend as much as I did.
Cassandra Bright

Monday, May 12, 2014

Let the journey continue

As a child I loved colouring, drawing, creating and just making pretty things. It was something that has always made me happy, and I spose I would even say it has been an escape. As I got older I was not encouraged to continue drawing and my skills were not up to the level of my older sibling, but I always continued to find great joy in art classes through school.

When it came time to select classes for year 11 and 12 and I still had no idea what I wanted to 'be when I was grown up' my mother simply said do the classes you will enjoy and get good marks in. So I chose Art, Studio Art and Graphic Design as three of my VCE classes. I enjoyed them and the art room at school so much that I even sat in the art room at every recess and lunch break and continued my work or homework in there.  I distinctly remember being so thrilled and excited to be able to go on a school excursion in my final year of schooling to our National Gallery to view a Rembrandt Exhibition. Something about his paintings and nude female drawings and the curves was just so stunning and beautiful.

When I left school and worked in retail I began dabbling and then getting addicted to Cross Stitch as my new creative outlet. I gave up the painting, drawing and other things as I was lead to believe that art couldn't be something I made a living from. Now some 15 years later I wonder how different life would be if I had done what truly made me happy and just concentrated on doing what I love, drawing, painting. I have decided to start drawing again! Anything worthwhile in life takes practice and practice is what I shall do.

So I invite you all to follow my blog and facebook page and my creative journey that is being continued after such a long break. It won't happen overnight, but then again how boring would that be??

Cassandra Bright